With fall around the corner, many landlords are patiently awaiting the return of students to their student rentals, in more populated areas they may be experiencing routine turnover throughout the year with students staying through the summers. In either case, there is going to be more work here collecting and logging rents, while staying on top of your student renters for any late or missed payments. There can be additional parties involved in payments, often a parent or relative. This can sometimes make things tricky, especially as rental operations grow. However, this fall there is an easier way to collect and log student payments with automated rent collection.
Did you know that by using Tenantcubes automated rent collection you can easily set up and pull rent automatically each month? We’ve partnered with Zum rails to allow both landlords and tenants a simple and secure set up process allowing you to connect directly to your bank accounts in minutes.
Want to know if you’ve missed any rents? Simply log into your Tenantcube account to see any outstanding balances!
Now that your rent collection is set in place, you’ll be able to easily set and collect any time you have a new student staying at your location. But, what do your students do when there is an issue?
Student rentals can be notorious for getting put through the ringer, and sometimes this is to be expected, however if something breaks or goes wrong, you’ll want to know, and the sooner the better. But if nobody reaches out it can be costly if damages persist or get worse. You can help get ahead of any damage or issues by printing scannable QR codes for your student rentals that will allow students to easily keep you up to date with any issues they may have, in a format they will be more comfortable with then picking up the phone to call. When students scan a QR code it will generate a ticket directly to your Tenantcube account which you can access from your app or the web. Ordering a few magnets is a great way to place them at a property!
Want to learn more about how you can modernize your rental operations?
Schedule a demo with us today or try Tenantcube here.
This article offers general information only, is current as of the date of publication, and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While the information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by Tenantcube Inc. or its affiliates.
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